Citizen's Budget Oversight Committee
Gateway Charter School Citizens Budget Oversight Committee
All Delaware school districts and charter schools are required to maintain a Citizens Budget Oversight Committee ("CBOC") In order to provide the public with transparency and an opportunity for oversight. The CBOC is comprised of community members, staff members, parent representatives and a representative from the Delaware Department of Education. The GCS CBOC meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
We are looking for CBOC members, please contact the GCS Board Treasurer, Joyce Henderson for information on joining and participation.
Public meeting dates are listed below; all meetings are held via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Zoom link is located in the agenda.
Topic: Finance Meeting
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting 1030 2001?pwd=WTJIbkJhb3ZwaWhjbG9IK3R5UjE2UT09
Meeting ID: 849 1030 2001
Passcode: 778418
CBOC Members 2024-2025
Joyce Henderson | GCS Board Treasurer |
Tia Hargrove
GCS Business Manager
Catherine Dolan |
GCS Head of School (ex officio)
Joseph Menna | Committee Member/Math Coach |
Kim Lindgren | Parent Committee Member |
Deborah Curry | Teacher Committee Member |
Richard Riggs | DOE Liaison |
Dorcell Spence | GCS Budget Advisor / Consultant |
If you would like to be considered for membership in the CBOC, please contact Pam Draper for more information.
Additional Financial Reports
State of Delaware Online Checkbook
Delaware Education Statistics Report
Meeting Minutes 2024-2025
CBOC Meeting Minutes FY2023-2024
Meeting Minutes FY 2022-2023
Meeting Minutes FY 2020-2021
CBOC Meeting Minutes FY 2019-2020
Meeting Agendas FY 2018-2019
CBOC Meeting Minutes FY 2018-2019
Meeting Minutes FY2018
Meeting Agendas FY2017
Meeting Minutes FY2017
Meeting Agendas FY2016
Meeting Minutes FY2015-FY2016